We started out from Ct on Friday and the two hour journey to Nashua went fast. Keri and I chatted the time away and as we entered NH and I looked out the window for as state store, I realized we had just missed our exit. But, not a problem, we found our way to the hotel. After a quick rest, I checked my voicemail and a message from a NH campaign staffer suggested we bring our cell phone and charger because we might have a large scale phonebanking session, if the weather is too bad to canvass. After checking in we headed to downtown Nashua looking for food! Nashua has a Vietnamese noodle house, Thai and Indian restaurants, but we decided on Brazilian. The food was pretty good and I loved a wonderful lime drink with a nice kick to it, Calpirinha. It was then onto a chocolate place for some treats and back to the hotel to rest up for the next day.
Canvass Day, May 19th, rain, rain was here to stay. We arrive at the meeting site early and after picking up our information, got right up front to wait for Barack. Oh did I mention the rally was outside? But while waiting, we met some folks from Syracuse (we didn't feel so bad for our drive). One member of the Obama Syracuse group was so enthusiastic about the campaign, she really made the time pass quickly and the next thing we knew, it was time for Barack! It was a bit surreal to see him in person but more so that we were so close to the front and would get a chance to shake his hand. He shoke hands, chatted, joked, gave a special greeting (hey sweetie!) to these two cute little kids and then waved goodbye. I realized after he left that while he was around, I'd forgotten the dreary weather.
I was ready to go knock on some doors! Both Keri and I were happy we that the canvassing would still take place. After some quick instructions, we headed to our turf. Kerrie and I spent some time figuring out how best to attack this and a little bit nervous. I knew the only way to get into your spiel was just to start, we would stumble at first then get into a groove which we did. Most people weren't home/didn't answer the door so the few who did and signed our petition gave us a sense of accomplishment. Of those who came to the door and were not the people on our list and not Republicans, we didn't encounter any hostile people. So at the end of canvassing, we obtained some good information the campaign could use, such as people who've moved, a Republic household, apartments with security entries and people willing to sign the petition.
Keri and I felt a sense of accomplishment!
I wasn't worn out by canvassing. What really tired me out, even though I had a good time, was spending a couple of hours at the NH campaign office talking with other supporters and campaign staff about politics, our experiences, what brought us to the campaign. People of all ages. As I was ready leave, Kerry introduced another campaign staffer and I half jokingly said no I can't talk to you otherwise we would never get out of here. We had a good laugh but I made haste to leave to avoid getting into another conversation.
Great campaign staff. I met Brain Sullivan (pictured above) and Jake in the Keene office and Julia and Julie. Hats off to all of them for their hard work!!